Edit The BBCi Base URL
Use these options to edit the BBCi Base URL if you need to.
Note: You can set the CDN to secure/insecure with the CDN option below if you desire https/http variant links in the 'Fetch All Variant' step.
Build All BBCi URLs
Use this to automatically create links for all the known BBC Radio resources from the Base URL and Resource Names.
Use "RESOURCE" (bbc_radio_fourfm); to place the resource names into the given string.
OUTPUT EMPTY... Waiting for user input...
Fetch All Variant Playlist URLs
Now optionally use this to create links for all the known BBC Radio resources, for the 'variant playlist' level.
Note: Always fetched over https; Not all links will work for international listeners and content may vary; 4XX errors mean the stream is unavailable to you. Generate Links falls back to text where appropriate.
Use "RESOURCE" (bbc_radio_fourfm), "NICENAME" (BBC Radio Four FM), "STATION" (Four FM), and "VARIANTURL"; to place the resource names, title-cased names, and fetched variant URLs, into the given string.
LOCKED - You must generate BBCi HLS URLs before you can fetch Variant Playlist URLs
OUTPUT EMPTY... Waiting for user input...
BBC Radio Resource Names
An editable newline separated list of the snake-case resource names used in BBCi Radio services.
bbc_radio_one bbc_radio_one_anthems bbc_radio_one_dance bbc_1xtra bbc_radio_two bbc_radio_three bbc_radio_three_unwind bbc_radio_fourfm bbc_radio_fourlw bbc_radio_four_extra bbc_radio_five_live bbc_radio_five_live_sports_extra bbc_6music bbc_asian_network cbeebies_radio bbc_sounds_news bbc_radio_berkshire bbc_radio_bristol bbc_radio_cambridge bbc_radio_cornwall bbc_radio_coventry_warwickshire bbc_radio_cumbria bbc_radio_cymru bbc_radio_cymru_2 bbc_radio_derby bbc_radio_devon bbc_radio_essex bbc_radio_foyle bbc_radio_gloucestershire bbc_radio_guernsey bbc_radio_hereford_worcester bbc_radio_humberside bbc_radio_jersey bbc_radio_kent bbc_radio_lancashire bbc_radio_leeds bbc_radio_leicester bbc_radio_lincolnshire bbc_london bbc_radio_manchester bbc_radio_merseyside bbc_radio_nan_gaidheal bbc_radio_newcastle bbc_radio_norfolk bbc_radio_northampton bbc_radio_nottingham bbc_radio_orkney bbc_radio_oxford bbc_radio_scotland_fm bbc_radio_scotland_mw bbc_radio_sheffield bbc_radio_shetland bbc_radio_shropshire bbc_radio_solent bbc_radio_solent_west_dorset bbc_radio_somerset_sound bbc_radio_stoke bbc_radio_suffolk bbc_radio_surrey bbc_radio_sussex bbc_tees bbc_three_counties_radio bbc_radio_ulster bbc_radio_wales_am bbc_radio_wales_fm bbc_radio_wiltshire bbc_wm bbc_radio_york bbc_world_service bbc_world_service_americas bbc_world_service_australasia bbc_world_service_east_africa bbc_world_service_east_asia bbc_world_service_europe bbc_world_service_news_internet bbc_world_service_south_asia bbc_world_service_uk bbc_world_service_west_africa bbc_afrique_radio bbc_amharic_radio bbc_arabic_radio bbc_burmese_radio bbc_dari_radio bbc_gahuza_radio bbc_hausa_radio bbc_korean_radio bbc_nepali_radio bbc_oromo_radio bbc_pashto_radio bbc_somali_radio bbc_swahili_radio bbc_tigrinya_radio bbc_uzbek_radio
Quick Links
You can use various query strings to quickly fetch links. Bookmark this page with the relevant query string to quickly get links in future:
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk (UK Links)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?ww (World Wide Links)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-320 (UK Links All 320k)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-ww-320 (UK to World Wide Links All 320k)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-wwgcomm-320 (UK to World Wide gcomm Links All 320k)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-320-renditions-stations (UK Renditions Playlist – Station Names)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-ww-320-renditions-stations (UK to World Wide Renditions Playlist – Station Names)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?ww-320-renditions-stations (World Wide Renditions Playlist – Station Names)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-320-renditions (UK Renditions Playlist – Full Names)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-ww-320-renditions (UK to World Wide Renditions Playlist – Full Names)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?ww-320-renditions (World Wide Renditions Playlist – Full Names)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-320-playlist (UK Playlist)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?uk-ww-320-playlist (UK to World Wide Playlist)
radio.johnpenny.uk/tools/?ww-320-playlist (World Wide Playlist)
Notes on Using BBC Radio Media
These links should never be used for commercial purposes, or the stream content re-used without permission from the BBC. You should only be using these links for private listening. All of the linked media streams are owned, licensed, and controlled by the BBC. If someone is charging money for these streams, you should report it to the BBC.
The base links are publicly available on the web for consumption by UK citizens, and on bbc.com for international listeners. These links are openly visible on the web. There is no obfuscation or authentication being bypassed, the name of known radio stations are simply being substituted into each URL.
The purpose of this tool is to list the available HLS links for use on platforms where Sounds or wireless streaming (AirPlay, Chromecast, Bluetooth, etc) is not available. For example on Linux media severs/players. All of the links are controlled by the BBC and nothing is being re-broadcast. The BBC may shut off the links or add authentication at any time.
This page is not associated with the BBC. Any mentions of its trademarks or brands are for informational purposes only.
Reminder: If someone is charging money for these streams, you should report it to the BBC.
If there are any objections to the content of this page they should be sent to johnpenny+work@gmail.com